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Not as excited about my piercing. Doesn't look as good as I hoped and expected but, it's only been a day and I guess I'll regret it if I take it out now. I honestly dont know why I did it.
Was looking at some photos of someone I used to know and realised I'm probably looking for some sort change, not as in wanting to move (I'm obviously flying around enough) but more me, change myself.
Even though I've wanted red hair since I was like...nine, I know I'd freak out if I woke up one morning, being a redhead. I want another eye colour, not very easily made since I'm wearing contacts, so colouring them would make everything twice as expensive. I think my main complaint, the one thing I really wanna change, is that I wanna be skinny. Im so sick of being "big".

Started watching the world cup thinking ooh, look at the aussies! which after two minutes changed into eeeh, what's wrong with the aussies? Naturally, the first man I saw was Lucas Neill, the only good looking man in the team, the next two looked like...uh... must have blocked it out. My brain was amused by my shallowness anyway.

I think I wanna be a writer. Something like Marian Keyes. Right now Im reading This charming man and I love the way she makes me so attached to the characters, like I know them. I also love that she's from Dublin.
Yeah. I wanna be a writer. I wish I knew Astrid Lindgren, then she's help me (well, first of all, I'd like her to be alive) and inspire me when feeling down. Which has been a bit too often lately.

I miss you people.


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